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Creates a Tracepoint target for a process.

Defines a tracepoint target for a process based on the pod and if that's not specific enough a container and process path.


pod_namestrThe name of the pod running the target process. Must be of the format <namespace>/<pod>. You may also use the prefix of the pod name to avoid writing the kubernetes generated check-sum.
container_namestr, optionalThe name of the container that's running the process. Specify this argument if a pod has more than one containers. The compiler will error out if a pod has multiple containers and this is not specified.
process_namestr, optionalA regexp that matches any substrings of the command line of the target process. Specify this if a container has more than one process. The compiler will error out if a container has multiple processes and this is not specified.


ProcessTarget: A pointer to that Process that can be passed as a target to UpsertTracepoint.

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