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Tutorial #5: Add a Graph to your Vis Spec

In the previous two tutorials, you learned how to write a Vis Spec to visualize PxL script query output in the form of a table and time series chart.

In this tutorial, we will add a graph to our Live View. This graph will map all of the connections that Pixie has automatically traced between the pods in your cluster.

Live View with table, time series chart, and graph widgets.

Setting up the Scratch Pad

We will continue to use the Live UI's Scratch Pad to develop our scripts. Let's set it up with the final version of the code we developed in Tutorial #4:

  1. Open Pixie's Live UI.

  2. Select the Scratch Pad script from the script drop-down menu in the top left.

  3. Open the script editor using the keyboard shortcut: ctrl+e (Windows, Linux) or cmd+e (Mac).

  4. Replace the contents of the PxL Script tab with the following:

1# Import Pixie's module for querying data
2import px
4def network_traffic_per_pod(start_time: str):
6 # Load the `conn_stats` table into a Dataframe.
7 df = px.DataFrame(table='conn_stats', start_time=start_time)
9 # Each record contains contextual information that can be accessed by the reading ctx.
10 df.pod = df.ctx['pod']
11 df.service = df.ctx['service']
13 # Calculate connection stats for each process for each unique pod.
14 df = df.groupby(['service', 'pod', 'upid']).agg(
15 # The fields below are counters per UPID, so we take
16 # the min (starting value) and the max (ending value) to subtract them.
17 bytes_sent_min=('bytes_sent', px.min),
18 bytes_sent_max=('bytes_sent', px.max),
19 bytes_recv_min=('bytes_recv', px.min),
20 bytes_recv_max=('bytes_recv', px.max),
21 )
23 # Calculate connection stats over the time window.
24 df.bytes_sent = df.bytes_sent_max - df.bytes_sent_min
25 df.bytes_recv = df.bytes_recv_max - df.bytes_recv_min
27 # Calculate connection stats for each unique pod. Since there
28 # may be multiple processes per pod we perform an additional aggregation to
29 # consolidate those into one entry.
30 df = df.groupby(['service', 'pod']).agg(
31 bytes_sent=('bytes_sent', px.sum),
32 bytes_recv=('bytes_recv', px.sum),
33 )
35 # Filter out connections that don't have their service identified.
36 df = df[df.service != '']
38 return df
40def network_traffic_timeseries(start_time: str):
42 # Load the `conn_stats` table into a Dataframe.
43 df = px.DataFrame(table='conn_stats', start_time=start_time)
45 # Each record contains contextual information that can be accessed by the reading ctx.
46 df.pod = df.ctx['pod']
48 # Window size to use on time_ column for bucketing.
49 ns_per_s = 1000 * 1000 * 1000
50 window_ns = px.DurationNanos(10 * ns_per_s)
51 df.timestamp = px.bin(df.time_, window_ns)
53 # Calculate connection stats for each unique pod / upid / timestamp pair.
54 df = df.groupby(['pod', 'upid', 'timestamp']).agg(
55 # The fields below are counters per UPID, so we take
56 # the min (starting value) and the max (ending value) to subtract them.
57 bytes_sent_min=('bytes_sent', px.min),
58 bytes_sent_max=('bytes_sent', px.max),
59 bytes_recv_min=('bytes_recv', px.min),
60 bytes_recv_max=('bytes_recv', px.max),
61 )
63 # Calculate connection stats over the time window.
64 df.bytes_sent = df.bytes_sent_max - df.bytes_sent_min
65 df.bytes_recv = df.bytes_recv_max - df.bytes_recv_min
67 # Calculate connection stats for each unique pod / timestamp pair. Since there
68 # may be multiple processes per pod we perform an additional aggregation to
69 # consolidate those into one entry.
70 df = df.groupby(['pod', 'timestamp']).agg(
71 bytes_sent=('bytes_sent', px.sum),
72 bytes_recv=('bytes_recv', px.sum),
73 )
75 # The timeseries chart widget expects a `time_` column
76 df.time_ = df.timestamp
77 df = df.drop('timestamp')
79 return df
  1. Replace the contents of the Vis Spec tab with the following:
2 "variables": [
3 {
4 "name": "start_time",
5 "type": "PX_STRING",
6 "description": "The relative start time of the window. Current time is assumed to be now",
7 "defaultValue": "-5m"
8 }
9 ],
10 "widgets": [
11 {
12 "name": "Network Traffic per Pod",
13 "position": {
14 "x": 0,
15 "y": 0,
16 "w": 12,
17 "h": 3
18 },
19 "func": {
20 "name": "network_traffic_per_pod",
21 "args": [
22 {
23 "name": "start_time",
24 "variable": "start_time"
25 }
26 ]
27 },
28 "displaySpec": {
29 "@type": "types.px.dev/px.vispb.Table",
30 "gutterColumn": "status"
31 }
32 },
33 {
34 "name": "Bytes Sent",
35 "position": {
36 "x": 0,
37 "y": 3,
38 "w": 6,
39 "h": 3
40 },
41 "globalFuncOutputName": "resource_timeseries",
42 "displaySpec": {
43 "@type": "types.px.dev/px.vispb.TimeseriesChart",
44 "timeseries": [
45 {
46 "value": "bytes_sent",
47 "mode": "MODE_LINE",
48 "series": "pod"
49 }
50 ],
51 "title": "",
52 "yAxis": {
53 "label": "Bytes sent"
54 },
55 "xAxis": null
56 }
57 },
58 {
59 "name": "Bytes Received",
60 "position": {
61 "x": 6,
62 "y": 3,
63 "w": 6,
64 "h": 3
65 },
66 "globalFuncOutputName": "resource_timeseries",
67 "displaySpec": {
68 "@type": "types.px.dev/px.vispb.TimeseriesChart",
69 "timeseries": [
70 {
71 "value": "bytes_recv",
72 "mode": "MODE_LINE",
73 "series": "pod"
74 }
75 ],
76 "title": "",
77 "yAxis": {
78 "label": "Bytes received"
79 },
80 "xAxis": null
81 }
82 }
83 ],
84 "globalFuncs": [
85 {
86 "outputName": "resource_timeseries",
87 "func": {
88 "name": "network_traffic_timeseries",
89 "args": [
90 {
91 "name": "start_time",
92 "variable": "start_time"
93 }
94 ]
95 }
96 }
97 ]
  1. Make sure the script runs by clicking the RUN button or keyboard shortcut: ctrl+enter (Windows, Linux) or cmd+enter (Mac).

Modifying the PxL Script

To help you visualize what is happening in your Kubernetes cluster, let's add a graph that maps all of the connections that Pixie has automatically traced between the pods in your cluster. This will allow you to quickly see which pods are communicating with each other.

To do this, we'll first need to add a new PxL script function. This function will output a table of data that we can use to populate our graph. The graph widget requires a "fromColumn" and "toColumn" to create a graph. We can also supply additional columns that can be used to create the graph edge weight or hover info.

  1. Replace the contents of the PxL Script tab with the following:
1# Import Pixie's module for querying data
2import px
4def network_traffic_per_pod(start_time: str):
6 # Load the `conn_stats` table into a Dataframe.
7 df = px.DataFrame(table='conn_stats', start_time=start_time)
9 # Each record contains contextual information that can be accessed by the reading ctx.
10 df.pod = df.ctx['pod']
11 df.service = df.ctx['service']
13 # Calculate connection stats for each process for each unique pod.
14 df = df.groupby(['service', 'pod', 'upid']).agg(
15 # The fields below are counters per UPID, so we take
16 # the min (starting value) and the max (ending value) to subtract them.
17 bytes_sent_min=('bytes_sent', px.min),
18 bytes_sent_max=('bytes_sent', px.max),
19 bytes_recv_min=('bytes_recv', px.min),
20 bytes_recv_max=('bytes_recv', px.max),
21 )
23 # Calculate connection stats over the time window.
24 df.bytes_sent = df.bytes_sent_max - df.bytes_sent_min
25 df.bytes_recv = df.bytes_recv_max - df.bytes_recv_min
27 # Calculate connection stats for each unique pod. Since there
28 # may be multiple processes per pod we perform an additional aggregation to
29 # consolidate those into one entry.
30 df = df.groupby(['service', 'pod']).agg(
31 bytes_sent=('bytes_sent', px.sum),
32 bytes_recv=('bytes_recv', px.sum),
33 )
35 # Filter out connections that don't have their service identified.
36 df = df[df.service != '']
38 return df
40def network_traffic_timeseries(start_time: str):
42 # Load the `conn_stats` table into a Dataframe.
43 df = px.DataFrame(table='conn_stats', start_time=start_time)
45 # Each record contains contextual information that can be accessed by the reading ctx.
46 df.pod = df.ctx['pod']
48 # Window size to use on time_ column for bucketing.
49 ns_per_s = 1000 * 1000 * 1000
50 window_ns = px.DurationNanos(10 * ns_per_s)
51 df.timestamp = px.bin(df.time_, window_ns)
53 # Calculate connection stats for each unique pod / upid / timestamp pair.
54 df = df.groupby(['pod', 'upid', 'timestamp']).agg(
55 # The fields below are counters per UPID, so we take
56 # the min (starting value) and the max (ending value) to subtract them.
57 bytes_sent_min=('bytes_sent', px.min),
58 bytes_sent_max=('bytes_sent', px.max),
59 bytes_recv_min=('bytes_recv', px.min),
60 bytes_recv_max=('bytes_recv', px.max),
61 )
63 # Calculate connection stats over the time window.
64 df.bytes_sent = df.bytes_sent_max - df.bytes_sent_min
65 df.bytes_recv = df.bytes_recv_max - df.bytes_recv_min
67 # Calculate connection stats for each unique pod / timestamp pair. Since there
68 # may be multiple processes per pod we perform an additional aggregation to
69 # consolidate those into one entry.
70 df = df.groupby(['pod', 'timestamp']).agg(
71 bytes_sent=('bytes_sent', px.sum),
72 bytes_recv=('bytes_recv', px.sum),
73 )
75 # The timeseries chart widget expects a `time_` column
76 df.time_ = df.timestamp
77 df = df.drop('timestamp')
79 return d
81def pod_connections(start_time: str):
83 # Load the `conn_stats` table into a Dataframe.
84 df = px.DataFrame(table='conn_stats', start_time=start_time)
86 # Each record contains contextual information that can be accessed by the reading ctx.
87 df.pod = df.ctx['pod']
89 # Calculate connection stats for each process for each unique pod / remote_addr pair.
90 # trace_role is included in the groupby so that we can use it later on.
91 df = df.groupby(['pod', 'upid', 'remote_addr', 'trace_role']).agg(
92 # The fields below are counters per UPID, so we take
93 # the min (starting value) and the max (ending value) to subtract them.
94 bytes_sent_min=('bytes_sent', px.min),
95 bytes_sent_max=('bytes_sent', px.max),
96 bytes_recv_min=('bytes_recv', px.min),
97 bytes_recv_max=('bytes_recv', px.max),
98 )
100 # Calculate connection stats over the time window.
101 df.bytes_sent = df.bytes_sent_max - df.bytes_sent_min
102 df.bytes_recv = df.bytes_recv_max - df.bytes_recv_min
104 # Calculate connection stats for each unique pod / remote_addr pair. Since there
105 # may be multiple processes per pod we perform an additional aggregation to
106 # consolidate those into one entry.
107 # trace_role is included in the groupby so that we can use it later on.
108 df = df.groupby(['pod', 'remote_addr', 'trace_role']).agg(
109 bytes_sent=('bytes_sent', px.sum),
110 bytes_recv=('bytes_recv', px.sum),
111 )
113 # Get the pod name from the connection's remote address
114 df.remote_pod = px.pod_id_to_pod_name(px.ip_to_pod_id(df.remote_addr))
116 # Determine the requestor and responder pods be looking at the trace_role.
117 # Connections are traced server-side (trace_role==2), unless the server is
118 # outside of the cluster in which case the request is traced client-side (trace_role==1).
119 #
120 # When trace_role==2, the connection source is the remote_addr column
121 # and destination is the pod column. When trace_role==1, the connection
122 # source is the pod column and the destination is the remote_addr column.
123 df.is_server_side_tracing = df.trace_role == 2
124 df.responder_pod = px.select(df.is_server_side_tracing, df.pod, df.remote_pod)
125 df.requestor_pod = px.select(df.is_server_side_tracing, df.remote_pod, df.pod)
127 return dfs

On line 81 we define a new function called pod_connections().

The code on lines 84-111 should look very familiar to you at this point. If you are still confused, go back and re-read the explanation in Tutorial #3 or Tutorial #4. Note that the groupby on line 91 and line 108 contain the trace_role column. This is because we will need to use this column on line 123.

On line 114 we get the pod name for any connections whose remote_addr are a pod within the cluster.

On lines 123-125 we create requestor_pod and responder_pod columns by looking at the trace_role column. Pixie traces connections server-side (trace_role==2), unless the server is outside of the cluster in which case the request is traced client-side (trace_role==1).

Modifying the Vis Spec

Let's modify the Vis Spec to create a new graph widget populated with data from our new PxL function:

  1. Replace the contents of the Vis Spec tab with the following:
2 "variables": [
3 {
4 "name": "start_time",
5 "type": "PX_STRING",
6 "description": "The relative start time of the window. Current time is assumed to be now",
7 "defaultValue": "-5m"
8 }
9 ],
10 "widgets": [
11 {
12 "name": "Network Traffic per Pod",
13 "position": {
14 "x": 0,
15 "y": 0,
16 "w": 12,
17 "h": 3
18 },
19 "func": {
20 "name": "network_traffic_per_pod",
21 "args": [
22 {
23 "name": "start_time",
24 "variable": "start_time"
25 }
26 ]
27 },
28 "displaySpec": {
29 "@type": "types.px.dev/px.vispb.Table",
30 "gutterColumn": "status"
31 }
32 },
33 {
34 "name": "Bytes Sent",
35 "position": {
36 "x": 0,
37 "y": 3,
38 "w": 6,
39 "h": 3
40 },
41 "globalFuncOutputName": "resource_timeseries",
42 "displaySpec": {
43 "@type": "types.px.dev/px.vispb.TimeseriesChart",
44 "timeseries": [
45 {
46 "value": "bytes_sent",
47 "mode": "MODE_LINE",
48 "series": "pod"
49 }
50 ],
51 "title": "",
52 "yAxis": {
53 "label": "Bytes sent"
54 },
55 "xAxis": null
56 }
57 },
58 {
59 "name": "Bytes Received",
60 "position": {
61 "x": 6,
62 "y": 3,
63 "w": 6,
64 "h": 3
65 },
66 "globalFuncOutputName": "resource_timeseries",
67 "displaySpec": {
68 "@type": "types.px.dev/px.vispb.TimeseriesChart",
69 "timeseries": [
70 {
71 "value": "bytes_recv",
72 "mode": "MODE_LINE",
73 "series": "pod"
74 }
75 ],
76 "title": "",
77 "yAxis": {
78 "label": "Bytes received"
79 },
80 "xAxis": null
81 }
82 },
83 {
84 "name": "Pod Connections",
85 "position": {
86 "x": 0,
87 "y": 6,
88 "w": 12,
89 "h": 5
90 },
91 "func": {
92 "name": "pod_connections",
93 "args": [
94 {
95 "name": "start_time",
96 "variable": "start_time"
97 }
98 ]
99 },
100 "displaySpec": {
101 "@type": "types.px.dev/px.vispb.Graph",
102 "adjacencyList": {
103 "fromColumn": "requestor_pod",
104 "toColumn": "responder_pod"
105 },
106 "edgeWeightColumn": "bytes_recv",
107 "edgeLength": 300,
108 "edgeThresholds": {
109 "mediumThreshold": 5,
110 "highThreshold": 50
111 },
112 "edgeHoverInfo": [
113 "bytes_recv",
114 "bytes_sent"
115 ]
116 }
117 }
118 ],
119 "globalFuncs": [
120 {
121 "outputName": "resource_timeseries",
122 "func": {
123 "name": "network_traffic_timeseries",
124 "args": [
125 {
126 "name": "start_time",
127 "variable": "start_time"
128 }
129 ]
130 }
131 }
132 ]

On lines 83-117 we've added a new graph widget named "Pod Connections".

On lines 103-104 we define the fromColumn and toColumn which will be used to construct the graph.

On line 106 we define the edgeWeightColumn to be the bytes_recv column.

On line 112 we define the edgeHoverInfo.

  1. Run the script using the keyboard shortcut: ctrl+enter (Windows, Linux) or cmd+enter (Mac).

Your Live UI output should now contain a graph:

Live View with table, time series chart, and graph widgets.

Interacting with Graph Widget

Pixie's Live View widgets are interactive.

Here are a sample of ways you can interact with the graph widget:

  • Click anywhere on the graph to interact. You can pan, zoom, or rearrange individual nodes.

  • Hover over a graph edge to see edge stats. For this graph, we've configured the edge stats to show total bytes sent and received. Thicker edge lines indicate more bytes received.

  • Click ENABLE HIERARCHY to see the nodes in a hierarchical layout.


Congratulations, you have finished writing a Vis Spec that displays your Pixie telemetry data in table, time series chart and graph form!

Pro Tip: Don't start from scratch

When writing a new PxL script or Vis Spec, it's often easiest to modify an existing script instead of starting from scratch.

Start by identifying a script that does something similar to what you're looking for. The Live UI's script drop-down menu lists all of Pixie's open source scripts along with their descriptions:

You can also browse the 101 tutorials to see how to use Pixie's open source PxL scripts for specific observability use cases.

Once you identify a PxL script / Vis Spec that does something similar to what you are aiming to do, open the script editor and start modifying the script to convert it into what you want.

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